Pop Quiz
Which state has the lowest divorce rate?
Massachusetts, home of the Godless liberals? Or Texas, the buckle of the Bible belt?
Turns out it's Massachusetts, which has the lowest divorce rate in the US. (You can see the stats on the last page of this report)The rate in Texas is nearly one and a half times as high, as William D'Antonio gleefully points out in an editorial piece entitled, "Walking the Walk on Family Values." (link fixed!)
Antonio also points out that born again Christians have the highest divorce rate in the US.
Here's a few of the reason he cites:
People in the Northeast get married later, generally have more education and higher incomes.
Then there's this little fact--there are more Catholics in the Northeast. And Catholics are less likely to divorce.
Here's his conclusion:
For all the Bible Belt talk about family values, it is the people from Kerry's home state, along with their neighbors in the Northeast corridor, who live these values. Indeed, it is the "blue" states, led led by Massachusetts and Connecticut, that have been willing to invest more money over time to foster the reality of what it means to leave no children behind. And they have been among the nation's leaders in promoting a living wage as their goal in public employment.
The money they have invested in their future is known more popularly as taxes; these so-called liberal people see that money is their investment to help insure a compassionate, humane society.
Family values are much more likely to be found in the states mistakenly called out-of-the-mainstream liberal. By their behavior you can know them as the true conservatives. They are showing how to conserve family life through the way they live their family values.