
Let us Keep the Feast

Religion reporters get lots of odd press releases, but this one from the Episcopal Office of Communications takes the cake. It's about a new enviromental initiative called "FEAST," which stands for "Faith, Environment, Action, Science, Technology." Why exactly this initiative has been planned for the season of Easter is not exactly clear. Even less clear is the closing line of the press release: "Underscoring the importance of individual and corporate responsibility for preserving the abundance of God's creation, the online forum will also echo the familiar liturgical response: 'Therefore, let us keep the FEAST.'"

All fine and dandy. Except that the line, "therefore let us keep the feast" come from First Corinthians--"Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us; therefore let us keep the feast”--and refers to the crucified Jesus in the eucharist.

Either someone wasn't paying attention, or there's some very interesting theology going on here.


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