A Holly Jolly Christmas
Tired of the war of Christmas? Mad at those megachurches for closing on Christmas Day? Feeling more like Scrooge and less like Tiny Tim.
Then try a little Christmas cheer from Journey Church in Norman, Oklahoma, where Burl Ives wishes you a Holly Jolly Christmas (it's the best time of the year) and where you can work out your frustrations by hitting the pastor in the face with a snowball .
And for the rest of the day, you'll walk around humming this familiar tune:
Have a holly, jolly Christmas;
It's the best time of the year
I don't know if there'll be snow,
but have a cup of cheer.
Have a holly, jolly Christmas;
And when you walk down the street
Say Hello to friends you know
and everyone you meet.
Oh, ho, the mistletoe
hung where you can see;
Somebody waits for you;
Kiss her once for me.
Have a holly jolly Christmas,
and in case you didn't hear,
Oh by golly, have a holly,
jolly Christmas this year.
God bless us, every one.