
492 pages down. 160 left to the end of the Half Blood Prince. It's good--funny even at the most tense moments, and drawing ever closer to a final showdown between Harry Potter and He-who-must-not-be-named. (For Red Sox fans, it's not Grady Little we're talking about here.)

The book's good so far. Wish the same were true about Time's interview with J.K. Rowling, which takes a couple of pissy pot shots at C.S. Lewis.

Like this: "And unlike Lewis, whose books are drenched in theology, Rowling refuses to view herself as a moral educator to the millions of children who read her books. 'I don't think that it's at all healthy for the work for me to think in those terms. So I don't,' she says. 'I never think in terms of What am I going to teach them? Or, What would it be good for them to find out here?'

And this: "If Lewis showed up there, let's face it, he'd probably wind up a Death Eater."

Lewis's Narnia books have got some problems--most notably, as Philip Pullman points out, the fact that Susan, one of the heroines of the Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe gets left behind (and presumably sent to hell)at the end of the last Narnia book for the sin of liking nylons and lipstick too much--a bit cruel and un-Aslan like, if you ask me.

But Lewis a Death Eater? Spare me.

One last tidbit, about God and Harry Potter, from Rowling in Time.

Interestingly, although Rowling is a member of the Church of Scotland, the books are free of references to God. On this point, Rowling is cagey. "Um. I don't think they're that secular," she says, choosing her words slowly. "But, obviously, Dumbledore is not Jesus."


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